List of projects by field of study
Below you see a list of researchprojects within a certain field of study. Please use the selectbox to view researchprojects of another field of research.
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A new psychometric instrument to assess eco-anxiety: design and validation |
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Adverse side-effects of antidepressants: are all patients at the same risk? |
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Brain atrophy is in the eye of the beholder. |
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Circadian Timing System characteristics in Mood Disorders |
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Course of depressive symptoms and lifestyle– a prospective cohort study in the general practice |
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Cumulative Exposure to Anticholinergic and Sedative Medications and Cognitive and Physical Function in Patients with Depression: a 9-Year Prospective Cohort Study |
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Depressie; innovatief onderzoek naar onstaan, beloop en behandeling van een veelvoorkomende psychiatrische aandoening |
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Diagnostic TMS in Parkinson's disease |
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Effective elements in consultations with children suffering from persistent somatic symptoms: a clinical cohort study |
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Effectiveness and safety of electroconvulsive therapy and its predictors |
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Effectiveness of the CBASP in group version: which factors contribute to remission of chronic depression? |
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Gastrointestinal treatment of severe mental disorders (GUTS) |
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Gender differences in first episode psychosis |
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Grip op Klachten: Als je geen somatische verklaring kunt vinden voor de lichamelijke klachten van je patiënt. |
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Grip! Als patiënten met ontstekingsreuma ondersteuning kunnen gebruiken bij het omgaan met hun klachten. |
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HAMLETT – to continue or not to continue? |
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Het effect van virtual reality ontspanningsoefeningen op stress in patiënten met psychiatrische symptomen. |
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How to stimulate: Basal forebrain DBS parameters to restore the attentional performance of rats with cholinergic losses |
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Identifying Issues at the Heart of Depression: Using Wearable ECG Monitor Data and Daily Assessments to Predict Transitions Within Depressive Episodes. |
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Improving PRoSPECTs of recovery during mental health treatment. |
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Kan je met virtual reality een stressreactie opwekken die even krachtig is als die in een real live situatie? |
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Kinderen met aanhoudende lichamelijke klachten: De behandeling van de kinderarts |
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Longitudinal relations between eating pathology and functional somatic symptoms |
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Medical comorbidity in patients with bipolar disorder |
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Medisch onverklaarde klachten en somatisatie: de interactie tussen psychische en lichamelijke factoren |
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Perinatal care in women with a psychiatric disorder |
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Phenomenology of functional movement disorders |
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PRECISER Prediction of ECT treatment response and reduction of Cognitive Side-effects using EEG and Rivastigmine |
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Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in bipolar disorder |
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Psychedelics for therapy resistant depression; studies on ketamine and psilocybine. |
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Psychological sequelae after discharge in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and their partners |
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Recovering from depression: why some do and some don’t |
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Relation of short-latency afferent inhibition to the cholinergic system in Parkinson's disease |
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Shared decision making with patients who may not decide wisely |
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Stemmingsstoornissen bij post-menopausale vrouwen met myocard infarct. |
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Synaptic density in schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders: a review. |
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The effects of deep brain stimulation on psychiatric symptoms in Parkinson's disease |
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