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Cardiovascular dysfunction, Cancer-related-fatigue, psychosocial distress and Quality of Life in breast cancer surivors

Prof. dr. J.A. Gietema
Andrea Meuleman

breast cancer late effects of treatment

Female diastolic cardiac function: a primary care study among long term breast cancer survivors and their controls [copy]

Prof. dr. G.H. de Bock
P. van der Meer
drs D. Brandenbarg

breast cancer Cardiac function clinical epidemiology

How do tumor cells survive genomic instability?

dr. M.A.T.M. van Vugt
Dr. R.S.N. Fehrmann

breast cancer genomic instability bio-informatics

Molecular imaging of estrogen receptor expression levels as a tool for improved decision-making in breast cancer treatment

dr. E.F.J. de Vries
Prof. dr. G.A.P. Hospers
drs. M. van Kruchten

breast cancer hormone receptors endocrine therapy PET imaging

The incidence of contralateral breast cancer in women with a BRCA1/2 mutation: the role of family history

Prof. dr. G.H. de Bock
L. Jansen
Dr. J.C. Oosterwijk
Dr. B. van der Vegt

breast cancer BRCA1/2 Personalized medicine

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