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Title Long-term clinical and radiological outcomes after posterior versus anterior surgery for cervical radiculopathy
Keywords cervical radiculopathy Cervical spine Neurosurgery
Researchers Drs. A.E.H. Broekema
Dr. J.M.A. Kuijlen
N.F. Simões de Souza
Type of projectPilot project (year 2 or 3), Stage Wetenschap / Researchproject of MD/PhD programme
Nature of the research Randomized controlled trial
Fields of study surgery neurosurgery neurology
Background / introduction
Cervical radiculopathy involves pain and/or neurological deficit and develops if intervertebral discs and joints degenerate and lead to nerve root compression. This may cause disability and reduced quality of life. Surgical treatment is viable in refractory cases. However, decision for surgery as well as choice for specific intervention remain challenging, and more knowledge is needed to improve patient care.

The Foraminotomy ACDF Cost-Effectiveness Trial (FACET) was designed as the first randomized multicenter trial that compared the two most frequently performed surgeries for cervical radiculopathy: posterior cervical foraminotomy (posterior surgery) and anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (anterior surgery). The study included 265 patients that were randomly assigned to one of the two treatment arms.
Research question / problem definition
To evaluate clinical and radiological outcomes of patients with cervical radiculopathy treated with posterior versus anterior surgery after long-term follow-up.
Participants will undergo radiological imaging (X-rays and CT-scans). Additionally, several clinical outcome measures will be collected. As a research student you will be involved in the collection of the data, the data analysis and write a final report.

If you are interested in doing research in the neurosurgical field, feel free to send an e-mail to the abovementioned contact persons.
1. Broekema AEH, Simões de Souza NF, Soer R, et al. Noninferiority of Posterior Cervical Foraminotomy vs Anterior Cervical Discectomy With Fusion for Procedural Success and Reduction in Arm Pain Among Patients With Cervical Radiculopathy at 1 Year: The FACET Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Neurol. 2023 Jan 180(1):40-48.
2. Simões de Souza NF, Broekema AEH, Soer R et al. Short-Term Neck Pain After Posterior Foraminotomy Compared with Anterior Discectomy with Fusion for Cervical Foraminal Radiculopathy: A Secondary Analysis of the FACET Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2023 May 3105(9):667-675.
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