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Title Finding the Killer in Medicine. Identifying player-types in order to increase game-based learning efficiency.
Keywords game Education medicine
Researchers A.E.J. van Gaalen
J.R. Georgiadis
Nature of the research Digital mixed method study (qualitative and quantitative).
Fields of study epidemiology epidemiology and statistics medical education
Background / introduction
This study can be performed digitally and is therefore not affected by COVID19 developments

In academic learning, game-based learning is increasingly used but unfortunately poorly understood. A fundamental problem that looms over any discussion on game-based learning is the ambiguous character of play. Play is a term that includes a great variety of behaviors across a number of species and cultures. What for one student might be play and generally liked, another might consider bothersome and is largely disliked.
In the research field of play and gaming, there is vast interest in player-types. Player-types indicate how people consider games and what their preference are towards play. Research into games have predicted the use and continuity of game designs when design adhered to these player-types. We hypothesize that, if adherence to player-types results in increased use in gaming, adherence to player-types might also result in the increase of learning (e.g. more repetition). Additionally, cultural difference may reflect difference in preferred types of play but has been an underutilized research aim. In order to provide handles for such future practice we therefore intend to investigate whether we can identify player-types in academic learning.
Research question / problem definition
1. Can we identify different characterization of play behavior. (i.e. player-types)?
2. What is the difference in prevalence between these different player-types across cultures?
This will be a digital mixed-method study using a method named Q-methodology. Multiple universities throughout the Netherlands (and perhaps the world) will be asked to collaborate in order to identify the maximum variety of player-types. The project can be performed by multiple students and is part of a PhD thesis from a PhD candidate and anatomist Anne van Gaalen. Hence the findings of the thesis are aimed to be part of a a scientific publication.
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