Project details


Physical activity behavior of patients after total hip and knee surgery

total knee arthroplasty physical activity total hip arthroplasty

Dr. M. Stevens

Type of project:
Stage Wetenschap / Research project

Nature of the research:
Prospective cohort study

Fields of study:

Background / introduction
Maintaining the health related quality of life of the growing number of older adults is a challenging goal set to society in the coming decades. An important subset of the older population is formed by patients after Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA/TKA). So far little attention is being paid to the health-enhancing effects of regular physical activity in this subset of the population, and little is known about the physical activity behavior of these patients
Research question / problem definition
The purpose of this study is to get insight into the physical activity behaviour of patients after surgery.
Research is done into different methods of measuring physical activity behaviour (questionnaires, accelerometers, gait anlaysis) and interventions to stimulate a physically active life style.
Wagenmakers R, Stevens M, van den Akker-Scheek I, Groothoff JW. The predictive value of the WOMAC for the amount of physical activity after THA. Physical therapy 2008; 88 (2) 211-218.

Stevens M, Wagenmakers R, van den Akker-Scheek I, Groothoff JW, Zijlstra W, Bulstra SK. Phyiscal activity behavior after total hip arthroplasty (THA): a prediction based on patient characterisitics. Patient Education and Counseling. 2007 Nov, 69 (1): 196-99.
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