Project details


Outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with selective internal radiotherapy, comparing glas versus resin spheres

hepatocellular carcinoma Selective Internal Radiotherapy

Dr. W. Noordzij
drs. S.J.S. Ruiter

Type of project:
Stage Wetenschap / Researchproject

Nature of the research:
Retrospective cohort study

Fields of study:
surgery radiology nuclear medicine

Background / introduction
Selective Internal Radiotherapy (SIRT) is a well-established treatment in patient with irresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The treatment consists of intra-arterial delivery of highly radioactive spheres, after confimation of sufficient selective arterial blood supply to the tumour in the liver. In the UMCG approximately 30 patients are treated with SIRT anuallly. We are currently using resin spheres, after changing from using glass spheres in 2018. Glass spheres are slightly heavier that resin spheres, resulting into a more laminar flow, in stead of more turbulent flow when using resin spheres. However, glass spheres have a higher specific radioactivity, resulting in a higher localized energy deposition. It is unclear which of these features leads to a favourable patient outcome.
Untill now, we have never compared the outcome of patients with both products. So the aim of this study will be to retrospectively compare the outcome of two HCC patients cohorts: one treated with glass and the other treated with resin spheres.
Research question / problem definition
The hypothesis is that progression free survival in patients treated with resin sphere is not different from those treated with glass spheres.
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