Project details


Transforming healthcare from disease-driven to value-driven

shared decision making value based healthcare healthcare transformation

dr. B.L. van Leeuwen
mw MJ (Marijke) Nogarede

Type of project:
Stage Wetenschap / Research project

Nature of the research:
Transforming healthcare from disease-driven to value-driven, requires optimization of healthcare pathways and insight in outcomes and costs. Previous research (see references) has shown improved patient outcomes and a reduction in costs after changing the full care cycle. Within our researchgroup several fields of study are combined to improve shared decision making for patients and healthcare providers. This is facilitated by implementing the integrated decision-making model (figure).

Fields of study:
surgery GP medicine oncology

Background / introduction
In current practice, it is challenging to tailor recommendations from provider-only MDTs to individual patients. The recommendation of the MDT is often based on medical technical information only, time and information are lacking for analysis of general health status and patient goals and preferences. The often clear-cut recommendations hinder shared decision-making, to personalize treatment decisions.
Research related to value-based healthcare and the integrated decision-making model is diverse. With this project, students are able to custom their research internship to their field of interest.
Research question / problem definition
How will the integrated decision-making model help transforming healthcare from disease-driven to value-driven?
To be decided jointly.
Festen S, van der Wal-Huisman H, van der Leest AHD, Reyners AKL, de Bock GH, de Graeff P, van Leeuwen BL. The effect of treatment modifications by an onco-geriatric MDT on one-year mortality, days spent at home and postoperative complications. J Geriatr Oncol. 2020 Dec 17:S1879-4068(20)30505-1
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