Project details


New Insights in Covid-19 in Hidradenitis Suppurativa from a Population-based Dutch Cohort

Hidradenitis suppurativa dermatology COVID-19

dr. B. Horvath
K. Bouwman

Nature of the research:

Fields of study:
dermatology epidemiology and statistics

Background / introduction
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic, recurring en debilitating skin disease that causes boils or abssessess in the skin folds. Regarding COVID-19 thus far little is know about the impact of this pandemic on HS patients. Within the Lifelines database both data about HS and Covid-19 is available, that will be used in this project.
Research question / problem definition
The aim of this project is to research the impact of Covid-19 on HS patients in a large population-based cohort using the Lifelines database.
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