Project details


A prospective nation-wide evaluation of minimal invasive rectal resections for rectal carcinoma: comparing robot-assisted, laparoscopic and transanal total mesorectal excision (TME)

Robot-assisted surgery Transanal TME rectum carcinoma

dr. K. Havenga
dr. A.R. Wijsmuller
prof. dr. E.C.J. Consten
drs. T.A. Burghgraef

Nature of the research:
Clinical research

Fields of study:
gastroenterology oncology oncology

Background / introduction
Since the introduction of laparoscopic minimal invasive rectal cancer surgery, several new techniques have been introduced; of which robot-assisted and transanal rectal cancer surgery are the most important. Most comparative studies do not take into account the learning curve of the individual surgeon. Therefore, until now, it is yet unclear whether one of the following minimal invasive techniques is superior. This project aims at prospectively comparing these three techniques considering, short term clinical results, long term oncological results, quality of life, cost-effectiveness and functional results.
Research question / problem definition
Our primary aim is to prospectively asses and compare transanal TME with robot-assisted TME and laparoscopic TME.
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