Project details


Qualitative research on prescribing medicinal cannabis in nursing homes

dementia cannabis

S. Janus

Nature of the research:

Fields of study:
health psychology geriatrics

Background / introduction
The assignment focuses on the determinants of prescribing medicinal cannabis in prescribers and nursing home residents’ views on using medicinal cannabis.
Research question / problem definition
To examine the knowledge and attitudes of elderly care physicians and nursing home residents towards medicinal cannabis, including patient demand, perceptions
of therapeutic effects and potential harms, perceived
knowledge and willingness to prescribe.
The assignment consists of developing an interview guide and survey, organising, conducting, transcribing and coding interviews.
Karanges EA, Suraev A,
Elias N, et al. Knowledge
and attitudes of Australian
general practitioners towards
medicinal cannabis: a crosssectional
survey. BMJ Open
2018;8:e022101. doi:10.1136/

Staples, H. and Adcock, L. (2017) Cannabinoids for Behavioural Symptoms in Adults with Dementia: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Guidelines. CADTH Rapid Response Report: Summary with Critical Appraisal,Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health.
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