Project details


Prevalence of X-linked hypophospatemic rickets (XLH) in the Netherlands and the relation between genotype and phenotype in children.

hypophospatemic rickets

dr. P. Rump
Dr. A.M. Boot

Nature of the research:
Observational study

Fields of study:
pediatrics genetics

Background / introduction
The prevalence if XLH has been described as 1/20.000, however there are no data for the Netherlands. The most common cause is a mutation in the PHEX gene The disease is X-linked with a dominance inheritance so both women and men are equally affected.
Research question / problem definition
What is the prevalence of XLH in the Netherlands?
The second target is evaluation of the genotype-phenotype relation in children
Data will be obtained of the genetics department of Groningen and Utrecht. A data base of the patients with XLH will be made and clinical dat will be obtained from EPD.
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4. Durmaz E, Zou M, Al-Rijjal RA, Baitei EY, Hammami S, Bircan I, Akçurin S, Meyer B, Shi Y. Novel and de novo PHEX mutations in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets. Bone. 2013 Jan;52(1):286-91.
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