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Title Biomarkers in Infants at Risk of Developmental disorders (BIRD) study
Keywords Stage wetenschap / research project
Researchers Dr. K.R. Heineman
S. Rosinda
Nature of the research A follow-up study of the IMP-SINDA project (observational).
Fields of study child and adolescent psychiatry neurology
Background / introduction
The BIRD project is a follow-up study of the IMP-SINDA norms study, which was conducted between 2017-2019. In that study, 1700 babies were assessed in order to create norm data for two instruments: the IMP and the SINDA. These are tests to evaluate the developmental condition of young infants. In the BIRD project we will continue to examine the same cohort of children when they are 4-5 years of age. We will investigate whether early IMP and SINDA scores are predictive for developmental problems at 4-5 years of age.

The study consists of 2 parts. In part 1 all parents will be asked to complete an online questionnaire on the neurodevelopmental condition of their child.

In part 2 we will carry out a neurological, a motor and an intelligence assessment of the child. Parents will be asked to complete a questionnaire. The teachers of the investigated children will be requested to complete an online questionnaire as well.

To work on this project, it is necessary to speak Dutch because of the interaction with young Dutch children.
Research question / problem definition
In the BIRD project we will investigate early signs of developmental disorders. 1700 children representative of the Dutch population will be assessed to investigate if their neurodevelopmental condition at baby-age is predictive for developmental problems when they are 4-5 years of age.
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