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Title Implementation of a novel method to measure patient health in cardiology
Keywords cardiology quality of life survey
Researchers Prof. dr. P. van der Harst
H.E. Groot
Drs. T. Hendriks
Nature of the research Qualitative observational study
Fields of study epidemiology cardiology
Background / introduction
In the current era of evidence-based medicine, many studies are powered to detect improvements in survival or reduction of cardiovascular events, but is this what the patient finds important?
Patient health status is a broad concept, including symptom burden and functional status in addition to quality of life. A growing catalogue of surveys and questionnaires has been developed to measure patient health. Some are focused around general health status, and some apply more specifically to a certain domain (e.g. anxiety) or a specific subset of patients and related complaints (e.g. angina). Patient health status is both important as a risk factor as well as a health outcome, and had high potential to enhance clinical care that has not been realized yet (1).
Recently, a novel health measurement model has been developed within the UMCG that lets patients decide their own health domains that they find important (2). The multi-attribute preference response (MAPR) model is built by letting the patient rank their own health state in comparison to a hypothetical patient with similar complaints. After data from a series of patients has been collected, a model can be constructed that allows relative comparison of health states with each other. We aim to apply the MAPR model to cardiology patients, and implement this as a tool in our current research projects such as the CardioLines Biobank.
Research question / problem definition
(a) How do we best define cardiology patient health status, using the MAPR model?
(b) How can we best integrate the MAPR model into our current research projects?
We will use a stepwise approach:
1. Perform a literature search to assemble all health domains used in currently used questionnaires to measure patient health.
2. Create a workgroup together with cardiology patients and PhD students to rank health domains in terms of importance and identify missing health domains .
3. Apply the MAPR model to the final selection of health domains:
a. Create a classification system with a fixed number of health domains and a number of levels;
b. Let cardiology patients rate their own health compared to similar hypothetical patients using the classification system;
4. Analyze the data and use the results to create a simple and useful survey/tool.
5. Apply the tool to current research projects such as the CardioLines Biobank.
(1) Rumsfeld JS, Alexander KP, Goff DC,Jr, Graham MM, Ho PM, Masoudi FA, et al. Cardiovascular health: the importance of measuring patient-reported health status: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2013 Jun 4;127(22):2233-2249.
(2) Groothuis-Oudshoorn CGM, van den Heuvel ER, Krabbe PFM. A preference-based item response theory model to measure health: concept and mathematics of the multi-attribute preference response model. BMC Med Res Methodol 2018 Jun 22;18(1):62-018-0516-8.
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