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Clinical prediction rules for appendicitis in young patients with acute abdominal pain in primary care

Prof. dr. M.Y. Berger
Dr. G.A. Holtman

clinical diagnostics child Appendicitis

Improvement of early MRI-based diagnostics of cardiomyopathies in high-risk populations

dr. N.H.J. Prakken
G.J.H. Snel

heart clinical diagnostics MRI / magnetic resonance imaging

Laterale inhibitie in het netvlies: een verklaring voor onbegrepen licht- en donkeradaptatieproblemen bij mensen met glaucoom?

No researchers found

glaucoma visual field testing clinical diagnostics retina

The use of repeated ultrasonographic measurements for the prediction of patient outcome in the critically ill.

Dr. I.C.C. van der Horst
F. Keus
R. Wiersema

ultrasound clinical diagnostics hemodynamics

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