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1. PET myocardial perfusion analysis in patients with paroxysmal and persistern atrial fibrillation 2. PET myocardial perfusion analysis in patients with left bundle brach block

A Elvan, MD PhD
F. Daniels
M. Mouden

Atrial fibrillation pet scintigraphy

Left atrial pressure as a predictor for atrial fibrillation recurrence in a large patient population undergoing PVI ablation (Isala Zwolle)

A Elvan, MD PhD
TJ Buist, MD, PhD candidate

Atrial fibrillation left atrial pressure

Myocardial perfusion and coronary calcium score in patients with SR and atrial fibrillation

A Elvan, MD PhD
F Daniels
M Mouden

Atrial fibrillation coronary calcium score myocardial perfusion

Search for safe and effective rhythm control therapy in atrial fibrillation

Prof. dr. I.C. van Gelder
dr. M. Rienstra

Atrial fibrillation heart failure Treatment

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